Paramotors: The Myanmar Junta’s Latest Terror
Weapon 支持者:缅甸军政府最新的恐怖武器(机译) 作者:伊洛瓦底江 来源:伊洛瓦底江 Junta paramotors during an operation in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region in February. / Anyar Pyit Tine Htaung Lay Myar 2月,在实皆地区萨林义镇的一次行动中,军政府的支持者。/ Anyar Pyit time Htaung Lay Myar Myanmar’s military regime is expanding its air
attacks on civilian targets in central parts of the country by using paramotors
alongside its fleet of jet fighters, helicopter gunships and Y12 airplanes. 缅甸军政府正在扩大对该国中部地区民用目标的空袭,除了动用喷气式战斗机、武装直升机和运- 12飞机外,还动用了直升机。 The Irrawaddy has learned that the junta has
conducted over a dozen paramotor bombings – mostly targeting civilians in
Mandalay, Sagaing and Magwe regions – since December 25, killing around two
dozen civilians including children. The bombings also destroyed numerous houses
and livestock. 《伊洛瓦底江报》获悉,自12月25日以来,缅甸军政府已经进行了十几次炸弹袭击,主要是针对曼德勒、实皆和马圭地区的平民,造成包括儿童在内的20多名平民死亡。轰炸还摧毁了许多房屋和牲畜。
前军士南约(Naung Yoe)曾在密提拉军政府空军基地的飞行训练学校(Flying Training School)武器部门任职,他对《伊洛瓦底报》谈到了军政府的直升机轰炸。 Sergeant Naung Yoe refused to work for the
military regime following the 2021 coup, defecting to the Civil Disobedience
Movement (CDM). 南约中士在2021年政变后拒绝为军事政权工作,转而加入了公民不服从运动(CDM)。 Former Sergeant Naung Yoe 前中士Naung
ye Why has the junta begun using paramotors to bomb
villages? 为什么军政府开始使用装甲车轰炸村庄? What I now understand is that junta aircraft and
helicopters are operating across the entire country in the war effort. 我现在所了解的是,军政府的飞机和直升机正在全国各地作战。 After more than four years [of military rule],
the operational lifespan of aircraft operational is now an issue. They have
flight-hour limits, and both engines and airframes have service lifetimes. They
need to be replaced or repaired. Some aircraft need to be overhauled. Even if
aircraft and helicopters are in good condition, they become inoperable if
damaged by gunfire. 在(军事统治)四年多之后,现役飞机的使用寿命现在成了一个问题。它们有飞行小时限制,发动机和机身都有使用寿命。它们需要更换或修理。有些飞机需要大修。即使飞机和直升机状况良好,但一旦被炮火损坏就无法使用。 From my experience, the lack of sufficient
aircraft and helicopters is a major issue. Previously, paramotors were used for
reconnaissance by the Air Force. Initially, they were used to patrol airbase
perimeters, since they had a range of only 50 to 60 miles. 根据我的经验,缺乏足够的飞机和直升机是一个大问题。在此之前,直升机被空军用于侦察。最初,它们被用来巡逻空军基地周边,因为它们的航程只有50到60英里。 Why are they using this new weapon in Mandalay,
Sagaing, and Magwe? 为什么他们在曼德勒、实皆和马圭使用这种新武器? Paramotors are increasingly being used in
Mandalay and Sagaing regions amid a lack of aircraft and helicopters. They are
being deployed alongside 120mm shellfire. The main reason for using them in
Sagaing, Magwe, and Mandalay is the weak air-defense capabilities of resistance
groups. The military believes that resistance forces in these areas do not have
proper anti-aircraft weapons. Hence paramotors are used more frequently. 在缺少飞机和直升机的情况下,曼德勒和实皆地区越来越多地使用直升机。它们与120毫米炮弹一起部署。在实皆、马圭和曼德勒使用它们的主要原因是抵抗组织的防空能力较弱。军方认为,这些地区的抵抗力量没有适当的防空武器。因此,参数被更频繁地使用。 The military don’t dare use paramotors in areas
where strong resistance forces are active, such as the Kachin Independence Army
(KIA) in Kachin State and Arakan Army in Rakhine. The ethnic rebel armies have
MANPADS (Man-Portable Air Defense Systems). So, the junta paramotors attack
weaker points where resistance forces have ordinary assault rifles but no
effective weapons to shoot them down. 军方不敢在强大抵抗力量活跃的地区使用装甲车,比如克钦邦的克钦独立军和若开邦的阿拉干军。少数民族叛军拥有便携式防空系统(MANPADS)。因此,军政府的支持者攻击抵抗力量有普通突击步枪但没有有效武器来击落他们的薄弱环节。 With a shortage of airplanes and helicopters, the
junta is concentrating its air power in Rakhine, northern Shan, and Kachin
states, where ethnic revolutionary organizations (EROs) are strong. Meanwhile,
in central Myanmar, the use of paramotors is increasing. 由于缺少飞机和直升机,军政府将空中力量集中在民族革命组织(EROs)强大的若开邦、掸邦北部和克钦邦。与此同时,在缅甸中部,参数的使用正在增加。 What is the military purpose of using paramotors? 使用参数的军事目的是什么? After analyzing the junta’s paramotor operations,
I found that they are mainly used in Anyar (central Myanmar) to harass
resistance areas rather than for large-scale battles. At most, they can be used
for surprise aerial attacks. In major battles, they are ineffective. 在分析了军政府的辅助行动后,我发现它们主要用于在安亚尔(缅甸中部)骚扰抵抗地区,而不是用于大规模战斗。它们最多只能用于突然空袭。在重大战役中,他们是无效的。 What are the capabilities and limitations of
junta paramotors, and how do they contribute to the regime’s military strategy? 军政府支持者的能力和局限性是什么,他们对政权的军事战略有何贡献? The paramotors mostly operate at night, but their
engines produce a distinct sound, so it’s possible to detect them in advance.
Their weight capacity is also limited. They can carry 360-400 pounds (140-180
kilos), including the pilot. The can only carry light weapons such as an MA-2
submachine gun or BA-64 rifle. However, they also carry 120mm bombs, each
weighing about 8 kilos. At most, they can transport three or four bombs along
with light firearms. 这些机车大多在夜间运行,但它们的发动机会发出独特的声音,因此有可能提前探测到它们。它们的重量承受能力也是有限的。他们可以携带360-400磅(140-180公斤),包括飞行员。只能携带轻武器,如MA-2冲锋枪或BA-64步枪。然而,它们也携带120毫米炸弹,每枚重约8公斤。他们最多可以携带三到四枚炸弹和轻型火器。 The parachutes are often bought from Thailand and
used with motorcycle engines modified in Myanmar. They run on regular fuel,
making them cost-effective. The regime uses them as a low-cost means of
disrupting resistance-controlled areas, terrorizing civilians and making
peaceful life impossible. 这些降落伞通常是从泰国购买的,并与在缅甸改装的摩托车发动机一起使用。它们使用常规燃料,这使得它们具有成本效益。该政权将它们作为一种低成本的手段,破坏抵抗组织控制的地区,恐吓平民,使和平生活变得不可能。 A school after being bombed by a junta jet fighter and paramotor in Taungtha Township, Mandalay Region in December 2024. / Taugtha People’s Strike Committee 2024年12月,曼德勒省Taungtha镇的一所学校被军政府喷气式战斗机和护卫队轰炸后。/人民罢工委员会 How do junta paramotors guide their bombs in
resistance-controlled territory? 军政府的支持者如何在抵抗组织控制的领土上引导他们的炸弹? For accuracy, aircraft usually use guided bombs
that are aimed at specific targets, but these can be affected by gravity and
air resistance. In contrast, paramotors carry up to four 120mm bombs which are
dropped by hand, just as junta Y-12 and Y-8 aircraft did previously. These
bombs do not require a specific detonator, instead exploding when they hit a
hard surface. 为了精确起见,飞机通常使用瞄准特定目标的制导炸弹,但这些炸弹会受到重力和空气阻力的影响。相比之下,直升机携带多达四枚120毫米的炸弹,用手投下,就像军政府的运-12和运-8飞机以前做的那样。这些炸弹不需要特定的雷管,而是在击中坚硬的表面时爆炸。 The junta paramotors usually attack at night, but
they lack the advanced ground-detection and targeting systems of other aircraft
and must estimate their location for strikes. Wind currents and gravity also
affect where the bombs land. As a result, their strikes are imprecise, leading
to casualties among both combatants and civilians. 军政府的直升机通常在夜间发动攻击,但他们缺乏其他飞机的先进地面探测和瞄准系统,必须估计自己的位置才能发动攻击。气流和重力也会影响炸弹落地的位置。因此,他们的袭击不精确,导致战斗人员和平民都有伤亡。 Are there any effective methods to counter the
paramotor bombings? 有什么有效的方法来对付机动炸弹吗? The paramotors operate at altitudes between 500
and 2,000 feet but can theoretically reach 5,000 feet with oxygen tanks. 这些飞机在500到2000英尺的高度运行,但理论上,如果有氧气罐,它们可以达到5000英尺的高度。 To defend themselves, resistance forces should
post not just regular sentries but also aerial lookouts. Providing them with
effective weapons will also boost their ability to counter paramotor attacks.
Additionally, since paramotors move at around 60-70 km/h, similar to a
motorcycle’s speed, their movement can be monitored, allowing counterattacks to
be planned. 为了保护自己,抵抗力量不仅要设置常规哨兵,还要设置空中哨所。为他们提供有效的武器也将提高他们对抗paramtor攻击的能力。此外,由于机动车辆的移动速度约为60-70公里/小时,与摩托车的速度相似,因此可以监控它们的移动,从而制定反击计划。 To counter paramotor attacks, resistance groups
need dedicated anti-air defense units with proper weapons. Standard rifles are
ineffective against them. However, .50 caliber or 20mm anti-aircraft guns can
be effective. Snipers may also be able to shoot them down. 为了对抗直升机的攻击,抵抗组织需要配备适当武器的专门防空部队。标准步枪对付它们是无效的。然而,。50口径或20毫米高射炮可以有效。狙击手也可以将其击落。 Can civilians do anything to avoid being bombed
by junta paramotors? 平民能做些什么来避免被军政府支持者轰炸吗? The best defense against paramotor bombing is
bomb shelters. Any bomb dropped on a ground has a significant blast radius.
However, if people take shelter in a trench, they are relatively safe. The
bomb’s explosion spreads outward, so those in a dug-out shelters are protected. 防御装甲车轰炸的最好方法是防空洞。任何落在地面上的炸弹都有很大的爆炸半径。然而,如果人们躲在壕沟里,他们是相对安全的。炸弹的爆炸会向外扩散,所以那些在防空洞里的人是受到保护的。 Although civilians and resistance forces are
united, surviving under such conditions is not easy. That’s why both resistance
fighters and civilians must know military tactics. Bomb shelters should be dug
in advance and people must always be prepared for surprise junta attacks. 虽然平民和抵抗力量团结一致,但在这样的条件下生存并不容易。这就是为什么抵抗战士和平民都必须知道军事战术。防空洞应该提前挖好,人们必须随时为军政府的突然袭击做好准备。 作者:伊洛瓦底江 来源:伊洛瓦底江 |