China’s Anti-Scam Center Czar Apologizes for
Ruffling Sovereignty Feathers in Thailand 中国反诈骗中心为在泰国弄乱主权羽毛道歉(机译) 作者:伊洛瓦底江 来源:伊洛瓦底江 A Chinese delegation led by Liu Zhongyi, Chinese
assistant minister for public security, joins senior Thai police and officials
on an inspection tour of border areas in Mae Sot district in Thailand’s Tak
province on Wednesday. / The Reporters 周三,由中国公安部部长助理刘忠义率领的中国代表团与泰国高级警察和官员一起对泰国德省湄索地区的边境地区进行了检查。/记者 Chinese Assistant Minister for Public Security
Liu Zhongyi has apologized to Thais over concerns that his high-profile
activities to counter scam operations along the Thai-Myanmar border had
trampled on Thai sovereignty, Thai media outlets reported. 据泰国媒体报道,中国公安部部长助理刘忠义因其高调打击泰缅边境诈骗活动侵犯了泰国主权而向泰国道歉。 Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister
Phumtham Wechayachai revealed the apology after his hour-long meeting with Liu
on Feb. 19 at the Defense Ministry, according to the news outlets. 据新闻媒体报道,2月19日,泰国副总理兼国防部长蓬谭威差在国防部与刘举行了长达一小时的会谈后,发表了道歉声明。 Phumtham said Liu explained that his actions in
Thailand aligned with previous agreements, and emphasized his respect for
Thailand’s sovereignty and local laws, and offered an apology for any
misunderstandings, The Nation reported. 据《国家报》报道,蓬塔姆说刘解释说,他在泰国的行为符合之前的协议,并强调他尊重泰国的主权和当地法律,并为任何误解道歉。 Liu led a delegation that met with authorities in
Thailand’s Tak Province on Jan. 29 to discuss cooperation on combating scam
gangs. During the visit, he also visited the Thai border along the Moei River,
from where he observed Shwe Kokko and KK Park, two centers housing scam
compounds in Myawaddy, opposite Mae Sot district in Thailand’s Tak Province. 1月29日,刘率领代表团与泰国德省当局会面,讨论打击诈骗团伙的合作。在访问期间,他还沿着茂伊河访问了泰国边境,从那里他观察了位于泰国德省湄索区对面的妙瓦底的两个住房诈骗中心Shwe Kokko和KK Park。 This week, he crossed through the Mae Sot border
checkpoint into Karen State’s Myawaddy to meet Chinese nationals rescued from
scam compounds in Shwe Kokko, drawing much media attention. 本周,他穿过湄索(Mae Sot)边境检查站进入克伦邦的妙瓦底(Myawaddy),与从瑞果果(Shwe Kokko)的骗局中获救的中国公民见面,引起了媒体的广泛关注。 He also crossed the second Thai-Myanmar
Friendship Bridge to inspect potential aircraft pickup locations in Thailand. 他还越过了泰缅友谊桥第二座,视察了泰国可能的飞机起落地点。 Khasod English reported that his trips this week
drew criticism from some Thais who felt his unrestricted border movements
without Thai officials present appeared to violate Thai sovereignty. Khasod English报道说,他这个星期的访问招致了一些泰国人的批评,他们认为他在没有泰国官员在场的情况下不受限制地在边境活动似乎侵犯了泰国的主权。 The report added that in response to the
concerns, Liu emphasized China’s respect for Thai sovereignty and local laws,
attributing any misunderstandings to overenthusiasm in protecting Chinese
citizens. 该报道补充说,作为对这些担忧的回应,刘强调中国尊重泰国主权和当地法律,将任何误解归咎于保护中国公民的过度热情。(本站编辑注:在先前很多新闻信息,证明泰国军警方与妙瓦底诈骗集团互相有勾结,我们的人当然有必要独立进行布置调查,而不是由泰国或者缅甸方想给我们看的。由此小编很敬佩刘忠义对工作的认真负责,并且这也是要承担很高风险的,作为一名公安领导,他做得好。) Following his visits, Myanmar on Thursday handed
over the first batch of hundreds of Chinese scam center workers for
repatriation through Thailand. 在他访问之后,缅甸于周四移交了第一批数百名中国诈骗中心工作人员,准备通过泰国遣返回国。 作者:伊洛瓦底江 来源:伊洛瓦底江 |