Myanmar’s Blackout Junta Seeks Solar Power Aid
From Neighbors 缅甸停电军政府向邻国寻求太阳能援助(机译) 作者:伊洛瓦底江 来源:伊洛瓦底江 The Shwedagon Pagoda shines in the background
during a blackout in Yangon in January 2025 / AFP 2025年1月,仰光停电期间,大金塔在背景中闪闪发光 Myanmar’s junta is seeking help from its
neighbors to switch to solar energy as its self-inflicted energy crisis
worsens. 缅甸军政府正在寻求邻国的帮助,以转向太阳能,因为它自己造成的能源危机正在恶化。 Electricity Minister Nyan Tun on Thursday said
China will help fund four solar power projects, and the regime has also sought
India’s help electrifying some government offices with solar power. 电力部长Nyan Tun周四表示,中国将资助四个太阳能项目,缅甸政府还寻求印度的帮助,为一些政府办公室提供太阳能供电。 Speaking at a meeting of the National Renewable
Energy Committee, which he chairs, Nyan Tun said MOUs had been signed for China
to invest 1 billion yuan in building four solar energy projects in Yangon,
Mandalay, and Naypyitaw with a combined capacity of 190 MW. 年吞在他主持的国家可再生能源委员会会议上说,中国已经签署了投资10亿元人民币在仰光、曼德勒和内比都建设四个太阳能项目的谅解备忘录,总容量为190兆瓦。 The MoU was signed between the Investment and
Foreign Economic Relations Ministry and China’s International Development and
Cooperation Agency, but he did not say when it was signed or when the projects
will be completed. 谅解备忘录是由投资和对外经济关系部和中国国际发展与合作署签署的,但他没有说明何时签署,也没有说明项目何时完成。 The regime is also asking India to install solar
power systems at the junta’s central training center and the Department of
Electric Power Planning in Naypyitaw under a small development project worth up
to US$ 2 million, he added. 他还说,缅甸政权还要求印度在内比都的军政府中央培训中心和电力规划部安装太阳能系统,这是一个价值高达200万美元的小型发展项目。 The central training center provides “capacity
building” and refresher courses for government employees, while the DEPP is a
key agency in power supply. 中央培训中心为政府雇员提供“能力建设”和进修课程,而德普是电力供应的关键机构。 Nyan Tun claimed several companies had expressed
interest in solar power projects, and the regime had also signed MOUs for wind
power projects. 年屯称,有几家公司对太阳能发电项目表示了兴趣,缅甸政府还签署了风力发电项目的谅解备忘录。 Already some Chinese companies are building solar
power plants in Myanmar, and the regime has said it hopes to implement them as
soon as possible. 一些中国公司已经开始在缅甸建设太阳能发电厂,缅甸政府表示希望能尽快实施。 Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing, during a visit to
China’s Kunming last year, invited Chinese businesspeople to invest in
Myanmar’s electricity sector. 缅甸军政府领导人敏昂莱(Min Aung Hlaing)去年访问中国昆明期间,曾邀请中国商人投资缅甸电力行业。 The junta has exempted solar equipment from
import taxes, not least because the main importers reportedly include Min Aung
Hlaing’s son, Aung Pyae Sone, who has interests in most of Myanmar’s lucrative
industries. 军政府免除了太阳能设备的进口税,尤其是因为据报道,主要的进口商包括敏昂莱的儿子昂派松(Aung Pyae Sone),他在缅甸大多数利润丰厚的行业都有利益。 The junta’s second-in-command Soe Win has also
lately been promoting the use of solar power. He told a recent meeting that the
war office headquarters in Naypyitaw has been using solar energy for the past
two years, and that the panels will have paid for themselves in the next 18
months. 军政府的二号人物梭温最近也在推广太阳能的使用。他在最近的一次会议上说,位于内比都的陆军部总部在过去两年中一直在使用太阳能,这些电池板将在未来18个月内收回成本。 Myanmar has been suffering from electricity
shortages since the military coup. In January this year, the junta said
electricity generation has decreased by 1,009 megawatts, with daily generation
of 2,200 MW, while supply has declined to about 50 percent of total production
capacity. 自军事政变以来,缅甸一直饱受电力短缺之苦。今年1月,军政府表示,发电量减少了1009兆瓦,日发电量为2200兆瓦,供应量下降到总产能的50%左右。 Even households in Yangon’s relatively privileged
townships have only been provided with power on a rotating basis, with four
hours on followed by four hours off. 即使是在仰光相对优越的城镇,家庭也只能轮流供电,开四小时,关四小时。 作者:伊洛瓦底江 来源:伊洛瓦底江 |