
2025-1-24 13:59| 发布者: 荷兰华人新闻网| 查看: 66| 评论: 0|原作者: 经济学人|来自: 一天一篇外刊

摘要: 经济学人:新美帝国主义 作者:经济学人 来源:一天一篇外刊 The new American imperialismTHE TRADITIONAL?point of an inaugural address is to transcend the politics of the campaign and draw the count ...



作者:经济学人           来源:一天一篇外刊



The new American imperialismTHE TRADITIONAL?point of an inaugural address is to transcend the politics of the campaign and draw the country together. Donald Trump’s second inaugural?was not that. But it stuck with tradition in other ways—it’s just that the traditions in question were much older.



The only one of his predecessors President Trump spent any time discussing—other than excoriating the administration of the outgoing Joe Biden—was William McKinley, in his telling “a great president”, though he is not one many Americans would put in their pantheon

在就职演说中,除了抨击即将卸任的乔-拜登(Joe Biden)政府之外,提到最多的就是前总统威廉·麦金利。尽管很多美国人不会把他列入万神殿,但特朗普依然把他称为最伟大的总统。


McKinley, who was inaugurated in 1897, presided over the negotiations that created the Panama Canal. He loved?tariffs, both as a way to fund the government and to protect domestic industry. And he courted, and was courted by, robber barons of the Gilded Age.



President Trump has a thing about the Panama Canal. He thinks the terms of the treaty signing it over to its host country have been broken, and that it is controlled by China (it is not, though the Chinese government has gained influence in Panama). The single most attention-grabbing line in the speech, at least for those who are used to having an American president who respects other countries’ sovereignty, was: “we are taking it back.”




The treaty ceding the Panama canal was drawn up during Jimmy Carter’s presidency in 1977. Even back then this was opposed by conservatives as an unpatriotic betrayal by naive liberals, a perennial theme of Mr Trump’s (it is not just his taste in music that regularly defaults to the era of the Village People). To Panama, where the 82nd Airborne Division dropped in a decade later, when Mr Trump was in his 40s, this line sounds more menacing than many Americans realise.



So does the talk of territorial expansion, a theme no president has pursued seriously in over a century. The last president who increased America’s acreage substantially, as it happens, was William McKinley. Territories including Cuba, Hawaii and the Philippines were added to America in his first term, the latter as a consequence of a victory over Spain. “The truth is I didn’t want the Philippines,” McKinley said, “and when they came to us, as a gift from the gods, I did not know what to do with them.” America got bogged down fighting an insurrection there. For Mr Trump the point of territorial expansion is clear. (And extraterrestrial too—he thinks it is the country’s manifest destiny to plant its flag on Mars.) America must be “a growing nation” once again.

一个多世纪以来,没有一位总统认真对待过领土扩张的话题。上一位大幅增加美国领土面积的总统是威廉-麦金利。在他的第一个任期内,包括古巴、夏威夷和菲律宾在内的领土都被纳入美国版图,菲律宾成为美国领土是美国战胜西班牙后获得的。然而,麦金利总统在回忆这件事时说:“事实上,我并不想要菲律宾,当它们像上天的礼物一样送到我们面前时,我不知道该如何处理。最终,美国在菲律宾陷入了与当地叛乱分子的长期战争,局势变得复杂和困难。对特朗普先生来说,领土扩张的意义是显而易见的。(他认为将国旗插上火星是美国的天命)。美国必须再次成为 "成长中的国家?"


After McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist, that approach to protecting manufacturing became associated with the Democratic Party. The McKinley formula combined what is now seen as a left-leaning policy with a closeness to big business associated with the right. Mr Trump, like McKinley, brings them back together in his Republican Party. McKinley’s 1896 campaign received a $250,000 donation from J.P. Morgan and the same amount from Standard Oil (approaching $10m apiece in 2025 money). Mr Trump’s inauguration reserved prominent seats for Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, all of whom gave money to the inaugural committee. The president announced the arrival of a new “golden age”. But on tariffs, territorial expansion and a fixation with Panama what he seems to want is a return to the gilded one





作者:经济学人           来源:一天一篇外刊


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