Thai Military Says Talks Continue Over Wa
Withdrawal From Disputed Border Areas 泰国军方说,有关佤联军从有争议的边境地区撤军的谈判仍在继续(机译) 作者:伊洛瓦底江/曼谷邮报曼谷邮报 来源:伊洛瓦底江 Negotiations on the withdrawal from Thai
territory of ethnic Wa troops are ongoing with Myanmar’s United Wa State Army
(UWSA), according to the 3rd Army Region commander. 据第三军区指挥官称,目前正在与缅甸佤邦联合军(UWSA)就佤族军队撤出泰国领土进行谈判。 Lieutenant General Kittipong Jamsuwan made the
comment in a statement on the UWSA issue during an event in Phitsanulok. 吉提蓬·贾姆苏旺中将在彭世洛举行的一次活动中,就佤联军问题发表了声明。 The UWSA is Myanmar’s largest ethnic army and has
nine bases along the Thai border under its Military Region 171 in southern Shan
State. The Wa control two non-contiguous territories in Shan State, the other
being the Wa Special Region bordering China in the north. 佤联军是缅甸最大的少数民族军队,在掸邦南部171军区沿泰国边境设有9个基地。佤族控制着掸邦的两块不相连的领土,另一块是与中国北部接壤的佤族特区。 UWSA spokesman Nyi Rang told The Irrawaddy on
Nov. 26 that Thailand had asked for the removal of the nine bases and deployed
troops on the border. 佤联军发言人Nyi Rang在11月26日接受《伊洛瓦底报》采访时表示,泰国已要求撤走9个军事基地,并在边境部署军队。 Thai media reported on the same day that tensions
were growing in Pai District of Thailand’s Mae Hong Son Province after the UWSA
reportedly reinforced the bases with more troops and weaponry. They said the
Thai army had stationed artillery near the bases to support Thai infantry
units. 泰国媒体当天报道说,佤联军向泰国湄丰山省派区增派兵力和武器后,该地区的紧张局势正在加剧。他们说,泰国军队在基地附近驻扎了炮兵部队,以支援泰国步兵部队。 In his recent statement, Lt-Gen Kittipong
reiterated that the 3rd Army Region is fully prepared to handle any conflict,
though he stressed that military action is a last resort. 在他最近的声明中,基蒂蓬中将重申,第三军区已做好应对任何冲突的充分准备,尽管他强调军事行动是最后的手段。 “Conflicts
exist globally. There’s no need to escalate them unnecessarily,” he said. “冲突存在于全球。没有必要在不必要的情况下升级,”他说。 Negotiations are ongoing at multiple levels,
leaving room for peaceful resolutions, the commander added. He was understood
to be referring to the UWSA issue. 他补充说,目前正在进行多层次的谈判,为和平解决留出了空间。据了解,他指的是UWSA问题。 Kittipong clarified that Wednesday was not a
fixed deadline for receiving a response from the UWSA regarding the troop
withdrawal. Thai forces are on full alert around the clock and are currently
engaged in routine annual training exercises, which include relocating troops
and equipment to training locations. 基蒂蓬澄清说,星期三并不是收到佤联军关于撤军的答复的固定期限。泰国军队24小时处于全面戒备状态,目前正在进行例行的年度训练演习,其中包括将部队和设备转移到训练地点。 On Dec. 16, a Facebook page named Wa News Land
denied reports circulating in Thai media that the UWSA in Military Region 171,
or the Southern Wa Army, had agreed to withdraw troops from seven disputed
areas along the Thai-Myanmar border within three to four months. 12月16日,一个名为“佤新闻社”(Wa News Land)的Facebook页面否认了泰国媒体上流传的一篇报道,该报道称,171军区的佤联军(UWSA)已同意在三到四个月内从泰缅边境的七个争议地区撤军。 In Phitsanulok, Lt-Gen Kittipong was attending an
event focused on improving the skills and operational capabilities of
authorities responsible for border security development projects. 在彭世洛,基蒂蓬中将正在参加一个活动,重点是提高负责边境安全发展项目的当局的技能和行动能力。 The event was part of security development
strategies for 2023–2030, as outlined by the Thai National Security Council
(NSC). 该活动是泰国国家安全委员会(NSC)概述的2023-2030年安全发展战略的一部分。 The capability improvement program aims to equip
personnel and agencies with the knowledge needed to plan security effectively
and integrate it into provincial development plans to produce tangible
outcomes. 能力改进计划旨在为人员和机构提供有效规划安全所需的知识,并将其纳入省级发展计划,以产生切实的成果。 作者:伊洛瓦底江/曼谷邮报曼谷邮报 来源:伊洛瓦底江 |