1 导读 这篇文章探讨了埃隆·马斯克与特朗普之间日益复杂的关系,特别是在美国政治和选举中的角色。文章通过讲述马斯克如何从一个企业家转变为政治圈内的重要人物,展示了他如何利用自己在科技、财富和社交媒体上的影响力,影响美国的选举结果。文章还分析了马斯克的影响力如何与特朗普的政治策略相交织,并探讨了两者之间可能的合作与冲突。通过细腻的描述,文章揭示了马斯克作为“造王者”的角色,提出了如果两人的政治利益发生冲突,可能会导致的后果。 文章开头通过历史背景的引入,提到赫斯特时代的“造王者”形象,立刻将话题引向马斯克,暗示马斯克正在走上类似的道路。这一段为文章定下了主基调,呈现了马斯克在当今美国政治中的重要地位。 马斯克的多重身份.接着,文章简要回顾了马斯克的多个身份,如企业家、特斯拉创始人、SpaceX的老板等,说明他不仅仅是一个商人,还具备巨大的政治影响力。通过他的商业成就和社交媒体的影响力,马斯克在美国政治中逐渐崭露头角。 马斯克与特朗普的关系: 这一部分深入分析了马斯克与特朗普的合作关系,特别是在特朗普的选举活动中,马斯克的支持如何帮助特朗普在一些关键州赢得选民。文章引用了特朗普在胜选演讲中的言论,揭示两人关系的亲密程度。 马斯克的动机与未来展望: 随后,文章提到马斯克的动机是否单纯是为了财富,或者他背后有更宏大的理想。这一部分提出了马斯克的理想和目标,暗示他与特朗普不同,马斯克更看重长期的梦想和改变世界的雄心。 潜在冲突与挑战: 文章的最后部分提出了一个悬念:如果马斯克与特朗普的目标和议程发生冲突,可能会产生怎样的后果。尽管两人目前合作无间,但如果利益不一致,可能会导致zz上的对抗。这一部分为文章设置了一个警示,暗示马斯克与特朗普的合作关系可能并不牢固。 2 |精读|翻译|解析| How Elon Musk Became a Kingmaker 本篇文章节选自《Times》November 21, 2024 7:00 AM EST We already knew him in various roles—the guy who
bought Twitter and fired more than half its staff, the inventor who brought the
space program back to life, the carmaker whose new trucks make kids stop and
stare on the sidewalk. All of a sudden, Elon Musk had moved into the realm of
politics, headlining rallies, steering government appointments, shaping the
agenda for the next President of the United States. 我们早就认识他了,他以各种身份出现——他是收购了推特并解雇了超过一半员工的boss,是让美国太空计划重获新生的发明家,是能让孩子们在街头驻足凝视新款汽车的制造商。突然间,埃隆·马斯克进入了zz圈,成为集会的主讲人,操控特朗普任命,甚至在为下一任美国总统制定议程 For more than three years he’s been one of the
world’s richest and most powerful men. Markets soar and tumble on his tweets.
Astronauts fly in his spaceships. Armies advance with the signals from his
satellites. Conspiracy theories go mainstream through his embrace. But it was
only in the spotlight of these elections that the full extent of his influence
came into view. 三年多来,他一直是世界上最富有、最有权势的人。股票市场因他的推文飞涨或暴跌;宇航员乘坐他的飞船飞向太空;jd靠他的星链开跋;阴谋论也因他而广为流传。但直到这次选举,他的影响力才完全显现出来 Not since the age of William Randolph Hearst, the
newspaper magnate who greased FDR’s ascent nearly a century ago, has a private
citizen loomed so large over so many facets of American life at once, pulling
the nation’s culture, its media, its economy, and now its politics into the
force field of his will. Standing beside him, even Trump can seem almost in
awe, less of a boss than a companion to the man for whom this planet and its
challenges are not big enough. 自从报业大佬赫斯特支持罗斯福崛起以来,还没有人能像他一样,同时在美国社会的多个领域中占据如此重要的位置,影响到文化、媒体、经济,甚至zz。站在马斯克身边,连特朗普都显得黯然失色,特朗普仿佛不再是掌控一切的“老板”,而更像是陪马斯克勇闯天涯的伙伴 For now they act like partners, bonded through
the favors they are trading and their shared desire to disrupt the institutions
of government. They may deliver commands with one voice for a while. But their
agendas do not align on everything. Both are willful, impulsive, and accustomed
to being in charge. What will happen if they start to clash? 目前,他们还像合作伙伴一样,共同追求变革的目标。他们可能会在这段时间内统一行动,但他们的工作计划却不完全相同。两人都固执、冲动,且习惯于掌控。如果发生冲突,会怎样 In that kind of fight, Musk may not have the
upper hand. History is strewn with the wreckage of kingmakers who went to war
against the leaders they installed. No matter how much wealth or influence Musk
collects, the tools of state power will remain with the President, and things
will get messy if he decides to use them against the billionaire who helped him
return to the White House. 在这场冲突中,马斯克可能不会占上风。历史上有很多“造王者”最终与自己扶上位的领导对抗,结果都是惨败告终。无论马斯克多么富有或有影响力,权力始终掌握在总统手中。如果总统决定利用权力来对付助他二进宫的亿万富翁,局面就会变得非常复杂。 In the end, the durability of their partnership
may depend on Musk’s motives: What drove him to become a MAGA prophet in the
first place? If it was money he wanted, then mission accomplished. 他们的伙伴关系能否持续走到尽头,可能取决于马斯克的动机:他为何最初会成为特朗普的支持者?如果他的目标是金钱,那他的目的已达到 The value of his fortune surged by more than $50
billion in the week after the election, peaking at more than $320 billion, as
investors went berserk for shares of Tesla. But wealth has never been Musk’s
obsession. The way he has bet his fortune on moony passion projects, like
putting a greenhouse on Mars, should be proof enough that he dreams differently
than the average Klingon aboard Starship Trump. 选举后的一周,他的财富增加了超过500亿美元,达到了3200多亿美元,因为投资者疯狂购买特斯拉股票。但财富从来不是马斯克的追求。他把钱投向一些充满理想的项目,比如在火星上建温室,这足以证明他的梦想与普通人截然不同。 So far, Trump seems happy to play along. In the
middle of his victory speech on Nov. 6, he spent four minutes praising Musk,
the “super genius” who helped run his ground game in Pennsylvania, reportedly
paying canvassers to knock on 11 million doors and hiring vans to bring Amish
people to the polls. “We have a new star,” Trump crowed from the stage in
Florida. “A star is born—Elon!” Only later, roughly 19 minutes into his speech,
did the President-elect turn back to his teleprompter and remember to thank his
voters. 到目前为止,特朗普似乎也乐于配合马斯克。在11月6日的胜选演讲中,他花了四分钟赞扬马斯克,称他是“超级天才”,帮助他在宾夕法尼亚州获胜。据说马斯克支付了走访员的费用,组织了1000多万户人家去投票。“我们有了一颗新星,”特朗普在佛罗里达的舞台上说,“一颗新星诞生了——Elon!”直到演讲进行到约19分钟时,特朗普才记想起还要感谢选民。 |