缅甸首席官媒:中国鼓励缅甸政府管理好缅中边境贸易站点(英译汉) ...

2024-11-25 08:30| 发布者: 荷兰华人新闻网| 查看: 92| 评论: 0|原作者: 翻译大傻|来自: 翻译大傻公众号

摘要: 缅甸首席官媒:中国鼓励缅甸政府管理好缅中边境贸易站点(英译汉) 作者:翻译大傻 来源:翻译大傻公众号 译者按:这篇文章是缅甸首席官媒《缅甸环球新光报》11月20日刊登的缅甸领导人敏昂莱11月19日在缅甸国家 ...



作者:翻译大傻           来源:翻译大傻公众号








Salient points explained by the Senior General on important discussions of the Chinese Premier



1. China always supports the endeavours of the Myanmar government in internal peace processes.



2. China actively supports the implementation of the Five-Point Roadmap of the State Administration Council as well as encourages more efforts of Myanmar to initiate political stability of the country and political reform process.



China encourages the Myanmar government to manage China-Myanmar border trade posts.



Senior General Min Aung Hlaing recounted that Chinese Premier Mr Li Qiang actively supports for the implementation of the Five-Point Roadmap of the State Administration Council as well as encourages more efforts of Myanmar to initiate political stability of the country and political reform process.



Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said so at the meeting of the SAC at the SAC Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.



During the visit to China to attend the GMS Summit and other summits in Kunming, the Senior General recounted that he held talks with Premier Mr Li Qiang of the People’s Republic of China, held talks with Politburo member of the Communist Party of China Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Mr Yuan Jiajun and Central Committee member of CPC Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Mr Wang Ning and Prime Ministers from the GMS countries, respectively.



At the meetings, he explained the progress of Myanmar, the undertakings of the country, bilateral cooperation with the relevant countries, and the support of friendly countries to Myanmar in the international landscape.



It was noted that Premier Mr Li Qiang of the People’s Republic of China held a specific meeting with the Myanmar Prime Minister among other prime ministers bound for the GMS summit. At the meeting, the Senior General explained the progress of Myanmar widely. At the meeting, important discussions of the Chinese Premier were: China always supports the endeavours of the Myanmar government in internal peace processes. China actively supports the implementation of the Five-Point Roadmap of the State Administration Council as well as encourages more efforts of Myanmar to initiate political stability of the country and political reform process. China reaffirmed the sovereignty of Myanmar and its territorial integrity. China encourages the Myanmar government to manage China-Myanmar border trade posts. China wishes harmonized development of Myanmar through cooperation. These talks are the clear standing of China for Myanmar’s sovereignty and the endeavours of the Myanmar government.



At the meeting, the Chinese Premier pledged to provide necessary aid for the election and enumeration of population and household census process.



The Senior General recounted that he held meetings with Politburo member of the Communist Party of China Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Mr Yuan Jiajun and Central Committee member of CPC Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Mr Wang Ning. They also pledged to cooperate with Myanmar for development, peace and stability fully. These meetings brought positive results. It can be seen that their talks specifically emphasized Myanmar affairs.



At the separate meetings with Prime Ministers from four Southeast Asian countries attending the GMS summit, the Senior General continued to explain serving the State responsibilities by the State Administration Council under the Constitution (2008) due to voting frauds in the 2020 multiparty democratic general election, preparations to hold a free and fair multiparty democratic general election and plans to invite international observation teams to analyze the election as a transparent election. Those Prime Ministers held discussions supporting the Myanmar. The trip to China was successful as the Senior General could discuss the promotion of China-Myanmar economic cooperation and sending more scholarship students to China to ensure the development of human resources.



The Senior General pledged that State responsibilities will be handed over under the democratic standards to the winning party in the free and fair multiparty democratic general election in accordance with the 2008 Constitution.



He emphasized that the government is striving for security measures. All measures are being taken in accord with the NCA as much as possible. The government, EAOs and political parties have agreed to continue their discussions at the Hluttaw.



He noted that political parties are allowed to register under the law. Larger number of representatives of national races need to join the political platform in order to demand needs of regions and their national races under the law.



The Senior General stressed that a PR system is being initiated for state and regional, and Amyotha Hluttaws for wider participation of national races and all strata of people in the Hluttaw.



He underscored that those who committed voting fraud not only in relevant constituencies but in the whole region in the 2020 election. Bago Region saw the worst voting fraud in the election. As those unscrupulous persons committed voting fraud in the entire region or state, the voting fraud in the election worsened unprecedently.



He pointed out that those who were responsible for the voting fraud were CEC members from the NLD party. They represented the party. As they committed voting fraud in groups, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of such incidents.



The Senior General explained that those who create conflicts are the people from the relevant region and the country. In the same way, they also initiate the development, peace and stability of their own region. Hence, council members have to join hands with residents in lessening terror acts of armed groups from relevant regions to ensure peace and stability for the region and its residents.



With regard to disasters, the Senior General highlighted that destructive acts of humans caused tremandous loss and damage to roads, bridges, schools and buildings. Terrorists without rationality naughtly destroy buildings, roads and bridges essential for the development of the State. As these losses and damage are being repaired and reconstructed, development undertakings of the State cannot be carried out.



The Senior General elaborated on committing terror acts based on external instigations, lesser knowledge and techniques, and lack of critical thinking. It can be seen that terror acts and evil acts occur in the region where people have the least knowledge. Hence, the government is encouraging the education sector in order to shape a developed, peaceful and stable nation in the future. Only when individuals have a school education will they have critical thinking.



The Senior General noted that it is necessary to strive to meet the target cultivation, enhancing double crop cultivation and expanding sown acreage in order to develop the agriculture sector.



He stressed the need to encourage the operation of textile, electronic products, steel and iron industries to meet the domestic demands.



Council members reported on the desire of IDPs from Loikaw to resettle in peaceful and stable Loikaw, clarification on the implementation of the Roadmap of the State to residents on trips of council members, needs to seek the solution for EAOs to renounce armed terrorism in order to reach the peace track and rehabilitation of the people in the disaster-hit regions.



The meeting was also attended by SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Secretary General Aung Lin Dwe, Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo and council members and officials.





作者:翻译大傻           来源:翻译大傻公众号


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