
2024-10-16 12:06| 发布者: 荷兰华人新闻网| 查看: 35| 评论: 0|原作者: 翻译大傻|来自: 翻译大傻公众号

摘要: 经过两个多月激战,德昂军终于全面攻克昔卜镇(英译汉) 作者:翻译大傻 来源:翻译大傻公众号 译者按:8月初,德昂军开始进攻昔卜镇,并于 10月8日向昔卜镇缅军的最后一个军事基地发动猛攻(本号曾翻译报道,见 ...



作者:翻译大傻           来源:翻译大傻公众号



译者按:8月初,德昂军开始进攻昔卜镇,并于 108日向昔卜镇缅军的最后一个军事基地发动猛攻(本号曾翻译报道,见链接:德昂军向缅军在昔卜镇的最后一个基地发起猛攻)。据《密兹玛新闻社》(The Mizzima News Media)1015日报道,经过两个多月的激战,德昂军于1013日终于攻下了缅军在昔卜镇的最后一个军事基地——第23轻步兵营,由此全面占领了昔卜镇。



The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) successfully captured Hsipaw town in northern Shan State at around 1 pm on 13 October, following more than two months of intense offensive operations, according to TNLA spokesperson Lway Yae Oo.

据德昂民族解放军(简称“德昂军”)发言人雷耶乌(Lway Yae Oo)称,经过两个多月的猛烈进攻,1013日下午1点左右,德昂军成功攻占了掸邦北部的昔卜镇(Hsipaw)


The TNLA took control of the last remaining military stronghold outside the town, Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) -23. After securing the area, the TNLA reported that some junta soldiers surrendered, while others fled.



We seized the town at around 1 pm. Some junta troops joined our forces during the offensive, some fled, and others surrendered their weapons. We captured LIB-23 through cooperative efforts,” the TNLA spokesperson said.



Hsipaw had been defended by junta forces, including Light Infantry Battalions 503 and 504, as well as Infantry Battalion 23. The TNLA initiated its assault on the town in early August, capturing the downtown area within a week.



Over the following months, the TNLA targeted military bases on the town’s outskirts, eventually seizing two infantry battalions. Fierce fighting continued around Infantry Battalion 23 for months before the TNLA finally took control.



The junta responded with heavy bombardment in areas where the battles took place, and the TNLA is still assessing the extent of civilian casualties.



We are verifying the civilian casualties. Our focus will shift to establishing an administrative mechanism once military operations are complete,” the spokesperson said.



Hsipaw is now the fifth town under TNLA control in the second phase of Operation 1027.



Northern Shan State comprises nine districts and an autonomous region, with 24 townships in total. During Operation 1027, in coordination with the Three Brotherhood Alliance, the Kokang Army (MNDAA) and TNLA have taken control of five districts and the Palaung autonomous region, capturing 14 townships across the state.





作者:翻译大傻           来源:翻译大傻公众号


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