
2024-9-16 13:16| 发布者: 荷兰华人新闻网| 查看: 45| 评论: 0|原作者: 翻译大傻|来自: 翻译大傻公众号

摘要: 突发:美国前总统特朗普再次遭遇暗杀(英译汉)作者:翻译大傻 来源:翻译大傻公众号 译者按:据世界各大媒体报道,美国前总统、目前又在竞争下一届总统的特朗普再次遭遇暗杀,但抢手被特勤局特工提前发现,并开 ...


作者:翻译大傻        来源:翻译大傻公众号







Donald Trump was rushed to safety on Sunday after what the FBI described as an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf course.





The incident comes just two months after another assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Trump was shot in the ear during a campaign rally. Details are still emerging from the latest incident. Here is what we know so far.



How did the assassination attempt play out?



The incident unfolded at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The gunman was spotted by Secret Service agents, who were ahead of Trump on the course to carry out security checks on holes the former president was heading towards. The agents usually go one hole ahead of where Trump is, according to security officials.



County sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the shooter was set up in the bushes on the edge of the golf course near holes five, six and seven. Agents spotted a rifle barrel poking out of bushes at around 13:30 local time (17:30 GMT). He told a press conference the gunman was "in an area in the shrubbery where he could see both holes".

棕榈滩县的治安官里克·布拉德肖(Ric Bradshaw)表示,枪手藏在高尔夫球场5号、6号和7号洞附近的灌木丛中。特工们在当地时间13:30左右(格林威治标准时间17:30)发现一根步枪枪管从灌木丛中伸出。他在新闻发布会上表示,枪手“在灌木丛中,他可以看到两个球洞”。


Officials also said that Trump was about 300-500 yards (274-557m) away from the shooter.



Lines of thick shrubbery along Congress Avenue - the road on the right in the image below - would have given some cover to the suspect, if he had been hiding there. "The Secret Service did exactly what should have been done,” Bradshaw added.





How was the suspect caught, and who is he?



Agents opened fire when they spotted the gunman and fired four to five rounds of ammunition. It is not known whether the gunman fired back. The suspect fled in a car. A witness who saw the gunman run out of the bushes was able to take photographs of his car and licence plate, according to the sheriff. The man was later stopped and arrested on the I-95 highway.



An AK-47-style rifle, a GoPro camera and two backpacks were later found near to where the gunman had been hiding, officials said. An individual described as a "potential suspect" is currently being held in custody. Multiple officials have told the BBC's US partner, CBS News, the suspect's name is Ryan Wesley Routh.

官员称,后来在枪手藏身的地方附近发现了一支AK-47式步枪、一台 GoPro 相机和两个背包。一名被称是“潜在嫌疑人”的嫌疑人目前被拘留。多名官员告诉 英国广播公司(BBC)的美国合作伙伴哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻,嫌疑人的名字是瑞恩·韦斯利·罗斯Ryan Wesley Routh。








Ronald Rowe, acting director of the US Secret Service, is traveling to Florida in the wake of the apparent assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump, a law enforcement source familiar with the matter told CNN.

一位知情的执法部门消息人士向美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)透露,美国特勤局代理局长罗纳德·罗威(Ronald Rowe)正前往佛罗里达州,处理前总统唐纳德·特朗普遭暗杀的事件。




作者:翻译大傻        来源:翻译大傻公众号



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